Sunday, January 31, 2010

on my birthday. =)

ini adalah entry berhabuk. gambar nih pun dh lame dlm camera, malas nk upload. *salahkn diri sendiri. okeh. entry sebelum ini ttg kesedihan sy a few hours before my birthday. on my birthday, encik tunang hantar text je, "happy birthday!". haaa..macam tuh je, siap ada tanda seruan lagi. geramnyeee..sabar lagi. sy diam, diam, bile dh tak boleh diam, sy pun hantar text yg bertubi2 kepada encik tunang. haaa..amik...lepas tuh kami pun okay..isi kandungan text tersebut tak boleh citer kat sini, lalala~ my birthday on sunday, encik tunang we celebrate on monday..on that monday, i have class as usual, then i got meeting until 3 o'clock. kesian encik tunang tunggu lame giler. but we still have lunch together. lalala~ after lunch kami balik ke rumah sy..sbb sy harus bersiram..sgt bucuk ketika itu, sbb balik sekolah after 3. then lepas bersiap, encik tunang membawa sy ke 'resipi rahsia'. hahahah..dah agak dh..this is moment we share together. =) i love my birthday, i love u, hubby..thanks for everything. mmuaahhhhhh...
love to be around u..
my birthday gift, encik tunang ckp jd cikgu nih byk menulis, so dia bg sy pen itu. =)

my birthday cake, a slice only, tuh pun xhabis. lalala~
our table. =)


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